Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 Lolita Resolutions

A New Year's post in preparation for the New Year! (how original, I know haha)

I normally do not make any kind of resolutions for the new year, mostly because I know myself well enough to realize I am not going to just automatically start doing 20 things differently just because I tell myself it is a good idea haha.

With lolita though, this can be different. The state of my lolita wardrobe directly affects my ability to participate in the community, so if I wish to continue to be active, of course it would have to adapt and change to my needs. So I have decided to make some lolita resolutions for 2016.

I will just go ahead and state that the main resolution that I am going to try to stick to is:


I have spent the majority of the effort of my wardrobe into main pieces, honestly because they are the easiest to buy and always have the "ooh pretty!" factor to them. What I want to spend a focus on for 2016 is blouses and accessories so that I can actually create more coordinations and get the most use out of these main pieces that I have. The lack of versatility has really gotten to me towards the end of this year, so I am hoping I can naturally stick to this one. It is going to be hard, and the only exception I am making is if Haenuli comes out with something I adore, and that is only because her items are nearly impossible to find second hand since she produces only enough pieces for what people order. Other than that, I'm going to just try my best to stay off of the second hand sales and resist the buying temptation!

The rest of my resolutions are smaller and include:

  1. Keeping up with posting regularly on this blog
  2. Getting over the fear of trimming the bangs on my wigs
  3. Make a wardrobe post (or at least start one so I can post it for 2017)
  4. Stir up more activity in my local community (I am the mod of a very small area group, so low activity really cannot be helped, but I'd like to shoot for someone planning at least 1 meet a month eventually)
  5. Become more active in neighboring communities. I have now been involved in the Tulsa and OKC comms, but I still have not made it up to Kansas City, Lace of the Ozarks, or the small group down in Little Rock.
So, I guess I have made a fair amount of resolutions for the upcoming year. I foresee them as being at least mostly accomplishable though, so bring on the new year!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Lolita 52 Challenge - Week 1

Greeting everyone!

I'm hoping 2016 will be a more organized year for me, where I actually publish blog posts instead of just starting and never finishing them haha. Since I want to change that, I have decided to go ahead and work on some blog challenges throughout the year and eventually start filling in with more stuff once I become comfortable with that.

I'm going to start the motivation momentum by beginning the Lolita 52 week challenge (originally posted by fyeahlolita). So here we go!

5 pieces that every Lolita wardrobe should have, regardless of style

  1. Number one for me in my so far experience with Lolita would be one pair of versatile shoes that are comfortable for walking/standing in for long periods of time. With things like conventions or meetups at the zoo, you don't want to be hobbling around after only an hour, so please, a pair of shoes that are comfortable for you to be in for long periods of time is a must. Leave the super fancy and slightly uncomfortable shoes for shorter meets.
  2. A decent sized bag that is again, versatile. I suffer from the predicament that all the cute bags I like barely hold much of anything, and that can be a real pain. Sometimes you just want or need to carry All! The! Things!
  3. A piece from your favorite brand, does not matter if it is a main piece or not. I will always remember and cherish the joy I felt when I got my first item from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright and it was just a simple, older headbow that I had bought secondhand.
  4. A lint roller. As funny as this may seem, it can be an essential, especially if you own pets. This is an absolute must in my repertoire. 
  5. Good hair or a good wig. This can either make or break an outfit visually in my opinion, well kept hair is always appreciated, no matter the substyle. 
There is tons of information out there for the basics of a wardrobe, so I tried to stick with some things that I have just dealt with personally so far.