Tuesday, January 5, 2016

30 Days of Lolita - Day 5

10 Items From Your Wishlist

Oh boy, this will be a fun one, I get to post all the pretties! I'm going to post my top 10 for this, which is going to be harder to narrow down than I initially thought. 

These are a mixture of stock images and google search images (if I could not find a stock photo)
  1. Whipped Cream Kitty Kitty JSK by Haenuli
    I LOVE this print and  hope to obtain it one day, in really any color. This photo actually shows my preference in color from L to R (but I really would be happy to own it in any color, and then hunt down a preferred colorway from there)
  2. She is Sleeping shirred JSK in black by BTSSB
    I love applique prints, and unfortunately I am limited to the full shirring pieces by Baby, since the older pieces are wayyyyy too small, which limits which items I can own of their applique pieces. This is also a friend in my local comms dream dress, so realistically the first one I ever find will go to her, and then I will continue to hunt one down for myself (I have even maybe considered the white for myself, if I can find it)
  3. Ribbon Heart Bag in black by BTSSB
    Just their traditional bag, in all black. This has been a dream item for a while, I have just never gone ahead and ordered one. I'd probably also like to eventually own it in black/white as well, for the ultimate oldschool feel <3
  4. Black Usakumya rucksack in black by BTSSB
    I have the Kuma Kumya backpack and adore it, I'd love to own the black/blue version of the Usakumya backpack (or, you know, just all the mascot bags in general. But this one is top priority)
  5. Sweet Ribbon Strawberry shirring JSK in black by Angelic Pretty
    One of three dream dresses I want from Angelic pretty, but this is the one I have actually seen in person and just adore even more. I love the pattern and the cute detailing.
  6. Horror Bat Bag in gold by Angelic Pretty
    So this is an interesting one, because not only did I miss out on the initial release of this, I missed out on BOTH made to order releases (due to my own dumb hesitation). Talk about frustrating! I have the mini bag from this set in silver, but I just really want the bigger version (in the other color) too!
  7. Gloomy Bear Apron by BTSSB
    Much Gloomy, such ridiculous, best oldschool, wow. Kidding aside, I kind of really want all the Gloomy BTSSB collaboration items eventually.
  8. Cotton Candy Shop JSK in black by Angelic Pretty
    That sheep in the hot air balloon, I have nothing else to defend wanting this with.
  9. Marine Border shirring JSK in red/blue by Metamorphose
    I have the black/pink version of this and really love it, so I have to obtain it in the other colorway, logically.
  10. Secret Cake Factory shirring JSK in black by BTSSB
    Another applique that I love, and I've seen a photo of an ALL black version (but no stock photo) and I'd really prefer that one over the white lace shown in the stock photo here.
Well that was fun. I still sort of just buy things that come along that I like, and have not gotten to the point with my wardrobe where I'm just specifically hunting for pieces. I might try to add some of these this year if I run across them though.

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